Makeup and Professionalism

Over the past few months, I’ve read several essays linking makeup and professionalism. Written by stylish women working in corporate America, these articles insist that daily makeup application is a must for working women, and that going without it may degrade...

It’s OK to Have Pores

Time for a little reality check. Let us examine: This is a typical makeup ad, of the kind usually found in the front sections of monthly fashion mags. People talk a lot about rampant Photoshopping of bodies in ads and editorials and this is, indeed, a practice that is...

Curly Hair Bias

My hair is naturally curly/wavy and has been since I was a baby. My mom’s hair is naturally pin-straight and I have literally never seen her without a perm. I grew up in a household that revered curls, had a long string of boyfriends who adored my curls, and...

On Being a Tattooed Person

It’s been several years since I wrote about tattoos – mine or anyone else’s – and a few recent comments have reminded me that people are naturally curious about ink. I’ve got many tattoos myself, two of which are readily visible during...

A Pale Girl’s Confession

So I’ve written about being a pale girl before. And as we head into true summer and the Minnesota air heats up, I watch as the people around me become tanner and tanner while my own skin stays nearly as colorless as it was all winter long. But I will now,...

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