Can’t Wear That

I may weigh in on style rules around here, but I can’t say I’m terribly fond of them. Understanding them, knowing why they exist and how they work, and applying them occasionally as guidelines works just fine. But crafting every outfit around them?...

Match vs. Go

Here’s a concept that manages to be both simple and tough to master: Outfits that match, versus ones that “go.” This outfit matches. My red accessories mirror the red in the pattern of the shirt. And although the khaki skirt isn’t anywhere in...

Imperfect Forms and Formless Masses Re-examined

It’s taken me a long time to learn about my body. Both in terms of appreciating its lovely form as-is, and in terms of helping it look amazing as often as possible by wearing clothes that work WITH it instead of AGAINST it. And before I learned these things, I hid...

Style as Self-care

Self-care encompasses a universe of possible activities, and the ones you choose for yourself may be drastically different than the ones I choose for myself. Many women tell me that style seems like the opposite of self-care to them, a realm that involves judgment,...

On Effortlessness

A few months back, I spoke to a St. Kate’s class about style and body image. I can’t quite remember how it came up, but at some point I found myself listing off the number of products I use on my face to create what magazines deem the “no makeup...

Reader Request: Dressing for a Post-pregnancy Midsection

Reader Liz asked this question over on Facebook: I would love it if you could share some tips for working around a post-twin-pregnancy belly. Snug tops make me look like I’m still a few months pregnant, though it’s been about 3 years and I’ve lost...

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