Dressing to Honor Your Body
There are so many ways to honor your physical form. Practicing yoga, enjoying your sexuality, eating mindfully and with great relish, honing your skills as an athlete, absorbing a wonderful massage. And, of course, voicing gratitude aloud or in writing is a fantastic...
Body Hair Revisited
Way back in June of 2011, I wrote about body hair and its social and personal implications. A lively discussion ensued, and I ended up writing a follow-up post about my own techniques for body hair management. More lively discussion. The whole experience of...
Body Image at the Gym
This post about body image and gym mentality got me thinking. Author Elissa had read that many women avoid engaging in physical activities or sports due to self-consciousness or negative body image, and described her own feelings of apprehension and worry...
On BMI and Rules vs. Guidelines
Reader Samantha dropped me an e-mail asking about my opinions of BMI. She is the 35-year-old mother of a 5-month-old infant, recently went in for a check-up, and was told that she was overweight based on the current BMI scale. Her own feelings about what constituted a...
On Paleness
When the comment trolls come out to play, they generally focus their attacks on several expected topical targets: I'm fat, I'm ugly, I have horrible hair, I have too many clothes, I'm a self-righteous ass, I have atrocious taste and no right to call myself a style...
Reader Request: Evolution
Reader Lisa submitted one of the most fascinating and challenging reader requests to date: I think it would be very interesting to get guest posters from different age ranges (20s, 30s, 40s, etc.) to discuss style and style evolution, body image evolution, how they...