Clothes are Tools
A few years ago, a dear friend came home to visit from where she was living in Boston, and we cooked up a big, messy, Mexican casserole and ate ourselves silly whilst gabbing and laughing and catching up. After a couple of hours of letting Husband Mike in on the fun,...
Modesty and Immodesty
Do you feel that the term “modesty” is overly judgmental and potentially damaging? Is it a word that’s important to you as an individual or to your community? Is it important to use more specific or descriptive terms in place of “modest,” or does the word serve a purpose in and of itself?
Aging Gracefully
Audi made this request: I'd love to see you do a piece about embracing our bodies and faces as we age. It bums me out to see so many attractive women succumbing to the pressure to look "younger" through cosmetic surgery and Botox and all that. You've written a lot...
Reader Request: Designer Inspired Items and Knockoffs
Reader Jane Jetson emailed me with this fascinating question: I am wondering about knock offs. I am not referring to counterfeit or "replicas". Those are illegal and look terrible anyway. My friend bought a huge "Prada" bag downtown and I cannot imagine people think...
Yes, And …
There's a passage in Tina Fey's Bossypants that has been repurposed about 16 gajillion times. It's the one in which she outlines the basic rules of improv. Let's review the pertinent rule: The second rule of improvisation is not only to say yes, but YES, AND. You are...
Style as Self-care
Self-care encompasses a universe of possible activities, and the ones you choose for yourself may be drastically different than the ones I choose for myself. Many women tell me that style seems like the opposite of self-care to them, a realm that involves judgment,...
Doing Better Moving Forward: How Watching “The True Cost” Changed My Mind About Everything
I've gushed quite a bit about Grechen's blog and specifically her Minimal Closet series, and I will gush forevermore. Grechen's honesty and candor about her own process and journey - moving from being a self-professed shopaholic toward being a conscious consumer and...
Fear Not the Jiggle
I wear shapewear. Not often, but I do. I've got a few clingy, slinky, jersey-knit dresses that show every crinkle and dimple in my backside, and I just feel more confident wearing them after I've shoehorned myself into ... well, let's just call a spade a spade ... my...
On Effortlessness
A few months back, I spoke to a St. Kate's class about style and body image. I can't quite remember how it came up, but at some point I found myself listing off the number of products I use on my face to create what magazines deem the "no makeup look." I'll recap...
Reader Request: Dressing for a Post-pregnancy Midsection
Reader Liz asked this question over on Facebook: I would love it if you could share some tips for working around a post-twin-pregnancy belly. Snug tops make me look like I'm still a few months pregnant, though it's been about 3 years and I've lost all but 5 or 10 of...