You Have a Body

Nowadays, when I sit down to write about body image I hear a cacophony of passionate and conflicted voices in my head. This is because I read articles on the topic nearly every day, and the current rhetoric is extremely polarized. Some feel that how you...

The Right to Bare Arms

I’ll fess right up: I’m not terribly fond of my arms. I lift weights every week based on a regimen created for me by a personal trainer, and there’s loads of muscle in there. Seriously, just ask me to flex. But there’s also loads of jiggle. And...

Youth, Body Image, Aging

I’m working on a style and body image project that centers on teen girls, and it has been an amazing experience so far. I’ve interviewed about a dozen teens from all across the U.S. and it was incredibly eye-opening to get their input on these topics. Only...

The Photographed Body

A few months back, reader K emailed me about posing for photos. She told me that overall, she really loved her body, loved how it looked, and felt confident that it was lovely and strong. But whenever she saw still photos of herself, everything shifted. I would wager...

It’s OK to Have Pores

Time for a little reality check. Let us examine: This is a typical makeup ad, of the kind usually found in the front sections of monthly fashion mags. People talk a lot about rampant Photoshopping of bodies in ads and editorials and this is, indeed, a practice that is...

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