Reality Check

Do real women have children? Do real women have C cups and above? Do real women have loads of life experience under their belts? Do real women have curves? Do real women have undyed hair? Do real women work for a paycheck? Do real women have sass? Do real women let...

Self Care and Self Love

You know how, when you’re feeling kinda wretched about the current state of your bod, you tend to lose interest in shopping? And eventually, shopping apathy morphs into diminished interest in clothes? And sometimes THAT indifference becomes an inability to...

Style Evolves

What nobody tells people who are beginners — and I really wish someone had told this to me —  is that all of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, and it’s just not...

The Dark Side of Thrifting

I want you all to thrift shop. Do you hear me? I WANT THAT. Because thrift shopping teaches stylish people that value is relative, that clothing needn’t be expensive to be good, that trends can be procured for pennies, that style doesn’t have to come from...

Reader Request: On Body Hair

An anonymous commentor dropped this one into the suggestion box: Wondering if you’ve ever thought about/written about body hair. I’ve noticed that, despite my inclination to be completely fine with it, I’ve changed what I will/won’t wear in the summer to hide the fact...

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