Dressing the Body in Flux

Creating a personal style is a rewarding and exciting journey. The processes of honing in on your ideal wardrobe, exploring your proportions, and building outfits that make you feel strong and gorgeous are all incredibly fulfilling. But what if you feel in flux? What...

Sartorial Taste and Judgment

My impression is that many highly-visible style experts – the ones with TV shows and books and magazine columns – either choose to or are forced to adopt an attitude of judgment. Since viewers and readers seem to find it endlessly amusing when a stylist...

Reader Request: Dressing for Emotionally Significant Events

Reader Kelly popped this one into the suggestion box: I’d love to see something about dressing for the big moments and days in life! I feel like I’ve got a handle on things most days, but then comes a wedding, graduation, funeral, banquet? I freeze. It’s like I’ve...

Body, Style, Body

Your body is part of your style. Knowing about it, respecting it, and dressing it with care are all part of being a fashionable woman. Never let anyone convince you that learning to dress your physical form is shallow, wasteful, or unimportant. Your style is part...

Style Evolves

What nobody tells people who are beginners — and I really wish someone had told this to me —  is that all of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, and it’s just not...

Trying Too Hard

The concept of “trying too hard” irks me. People are constantly being criticized for putting forth minimal effort, and yet we censure them for being overly enthusiastic, too. Talk about a lose-lose proposition. And yet, I’ve gotten several reader...

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